I think they need visually inspecting unfortunately.  They can be done in
batches ie look for untagged, then select a mapper, then zoom in to a
settlement so sometimes you can clear thirty at once but I can't think how
you'd script that.

It's just a little frustrating that some mappers have mapped so much
without being given feedback that somehow they weren't adding tags and
feedback more than a week or two after the event gives diminishing returns.

I think the big message is if your project is in Chad pull the map in again
in a couple of weeks time and it should be a lot better.

Cheerio John

On 15 July 2017 at 03:19, Bjoern Hassler <bjohas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi John,
> Let me know if I can do anything scripting-wise.
> Bjoern
> On 15 July 2017 at 02:49, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm looking at Chad by bringing 10% of the country at a time.  I'm seeing
>> thousands of untagged ways most of which are buildings, far more than I
>> would expect.
>> If you're running a project in Chad that includes mapping buildings you
>> may wish to check the map in a week or two as I continue to tag untagged
>> ways including buildings.
>> You may also want to see if you can have someone validate your Chad
>> projects with JOSM since its much easier to avoid problems by giving
>> feedback than it is to clean up afterwards.
>> Cheerio John
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