We are trying to beat the previous record of number of mappers in a remote 
mapathon over 24 hours (which I believe from Rebecca is 1500) by tracking the 
number of individual mappers editing a task or OSM directly using the hashtag 
#crowd2map or Maps.Me in Tanzania in the 24 hours from 11am GMT on Sun 13th 
August, to celebrate 13 years of OSM.  I will add the #crowd2map hashtag to the 
tasks here 
   during that time frame.  

Ideally we'd like to keep a track of the number of different mappers in real 
time over the 24 hour period.  

Does anyone have any advice on the best way to do this please?

Many thanks, and if anyone is able to introduce new mappers to OSM during this 
timeframe to help us we'd be very grateful!    Janet
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