Hi everyone,

I am a third year undergraduate geographer completing my dissertation at
Cambridge University.  Part of my dissertation topic concerns HOT users,
who we are and why we map. My ultimate goal is to compare our expectations
with those of NGOs that go on and use the maps that we produce (during
mapathons or at home). I have designed a survey which should not take more
than 2-3 minutes to complete and would be extremely helpful for me if any
number of users could fill it in. I understand that this mailing list is
more for afficionados - thus, if you are able or willing to communicate the
survey into more casual user's groups, such as facebook or other local
mailing lists, I would be extremely grateful! Here is the link:


Please not that your contributions are absolutely anonymous. Any number of
answers is of enormous help to me. Thank you in advance and happy mapping!

Wishing a lovely week-end to everyone,

HOT mailing list

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