Hi John,

Makes a lot of sense to me. We could possible make a kind of code of
conduct for survey researching the OSM community. That could very well be
part of a project Frank, Peter and I are launching:

I think it would be really helpful if we set up a survey engine under the
wings of the OSMF. That would make it easier to re-use surveys and share
experiences and data between researchers. Also we could include a review
proces before launching the questionaire, so e.g. questions can be
internationalized (even if this is not a priority for the researcher

2017-09-04 22:20 GMT+02:00 john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com>:

> At Statistics Canada they have a concept of respondent burden.  Basically
> it means you try to limit the number of questions you ask people whilst
> still trying to get the answers in.  Is this information available from
> another survey?
> May I suggest a more formal arrangement where a survey is organised say
> every three / six months and researchers submit their questions to be
> included in the survey?  This is done for a number of surveys at Statistics
> Canada and is a useful way to include one or two additional / supplementary
> questions to a survey.
> The advantage to the people running the studies is hopefully a wider set
> of respondents making their surveys more statistically valid.  The
> advantage to the mappers are fewer messages in the mailing lists and fewer
> surveys asking to be completed.
> At the very least I'm sure Zoe and Laura could see if the data from their
> surveys could feed the other.
> There are other things that could be done such as random sampling then
> following up with the randomly selected sample this reduces self selection.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks John
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Joost Schouppe
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