Greetings –

November 12th–18th is Geography Awareness Week. Join us as we prepare to
make the fourth annual OSM Geography Awareness Week (“OSM GeoWeek”) the
best ever. OSM GeoWeek 2017 calls on teachers, students, community groups,
governments, private sector, map lovers, and motivated individuals around
the world to come together to celebrate geography and make maps with
OpenStreetMap, the free and openly editable map of the world.

Many organizations are partnering with HOT for OSM GeoWeek 2017
<> including Missing Maps
<>, the U.S. State Department (MapGive
<>), USAID (YouthMappers
<>), National Geographic, and the World Bank’s
GFDRR. OSM GeoWeek presents a great opportunity for HOT community members
to come together and map to reduce disaster risks and address public health
crises. Represent your school, community, or workplace during OSM GeoWeek
anytime between November 12th-18th as we remotely map areas to assist
ongoing humanitarian, development, and public health efforts around the

If you have ever thought it might be fun to get together with co-workers,
friends, students and/or strangers to share your enthusiasm for the power
of maps, and make a difference while doing it, OSM GeoWeek is the perfect
time. Events can be of any size, as small as 10 people and as large as a
150 people. Anyone can do it and we have all the materials to help you host
your mapathon (and to learn how to map) <>.

Registering an event is easy, just fill out this Google form
and your event will be registered on

We hope you can join us! Please share this invitation with your colleagues
and networks, and students of all ages.

Thank you,

Rachel, , on behalf of the OSM Institutions Group

Rachel VanNice
Operations Coordinator
Skype: rachel.vannice

*Join us at the * <>*2017 HOT Summit!
<> | 14-15 September | Ottawa*

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development
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