Thanks John. Yes, was going to look at Vespucci and also GeoMap Tool

On 4 Nov 2017 16:39, "john whelan" <> wrote:

> walking papers or is it called field papers?  Do it on paper would be the
> suggestion.
> I have used Vespucci before now it's usable but the screen size isn't
> nice.
> Cheerio John
> On 19 October 2017 at 04:45, Rupert Allan <>
> wrote:
>> We are strategising about 'feedback-mapping' whilst doing 'non-camp
>> refugee' data collection in the Northern Uganda refugee settlements. I am
>> trying to identify a tool which can edit polygons by smartphone from the
>> field. The imagery will be too old for the new settlements to show in, say,
>> JOSM. The reality on the ground for us is one of dynamic mapping in this
>> ever-expanding settlement context, and Maps.Me, OSMAND, OSM Tracker, OMK
>> and other tools in discussion are fine to input points, but we are stumped
>> by how to 'draw' whilst in the field... Does anybody know where this is
>> up-to?
>> --
>> Rupert Allan
>> Art Director, Field Mapping Coordinator
>> UK: +44 (0)7970 540 647 (WhatsApp)
>> USA: +1 904 377 8003
>> Africa: +232 78 210 485
>> Skype: Reuben Molotov
>> Email:
>> Web/Blog:
>> Facebook: Reuben Molotov/'Voyages of the Ketch Sandpiper'
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