Dear HOT community and friends,

This is a quick note to let you know we recently published a short post
about the mapping activities currently underway in Mafalala - Mozambique,
as part of HOTs Microgrant program.

Since this is the first publication of this kind for our mapping group, we
want to use the opportunity to say we are really thankful for all kinds of
support we are receiving from so many different sources during the
implementation of this project. A special thank you goes to everyone who
has donated to HOT, large amounts or small amounts, we are very grateful!
We also invite everyone who shares this passion for mapping as a means for
development, to continue (or to start) donating to HOT, so that HOT in turn
can continue to support projects like ours, not only in Mozambique but
worldwide, projects that help so many communities, specially the
unprivileged communities of our planet.

You can read the blog post here
and see some pictures of Mafalala on our facebook page

Warm greetings to everyone,

HOT mailing list

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