Currently we seem to have a number of projects that are 95% mapped and 20%
validated requesting validation.

If you validate the project from the start you catch the errors mappers
make early on which means you get better quality work overall and less time
is spent reworking problem areas. Prevention really is cheaper than fixing.

The faster you feed feedback to the mappers the better the response.  After
a month they will have forgotten all about it anyway.  So validating within
a couple of days and ideally within 24 hrs gives the best results.

Cleaning up a month or so after the event is not the nicest task to do and
cleaning up more than need be is even less pleasant for validators.
Although I understand there are different points of view and some
validators even like cleaning up buildings when they have been grouped
together as one big one a year after the mapping but being an unsociable
person I have yet to meet one.

If you're running a project try to get a validator attached to the project

Cheerio John
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