These things seem to go in fashions.  Currently it seems fashionable to map
connections from a more major highway to a building as service but the
distances are getting longer.  Recently on one HOT project a highway was
tagged service although it connected two other highways and had more than
half a dozen buildings along its distance.

Another fashion I'm also seeing highways that connect settlements tagged as
residential well yes they do have the odd house on them and the African
highway wiki has been edited recently to say in rural areas highways with
buildings should be tagged residential.

The ones of 7 kms and longer were spotted in Cameroon next to forestry
tracks and I strongly suspect that is what they are in fact.  This little
group weren't HOT project but caught my attention as I tagged a couple of
thousand untagged buildings nearby.

Both of these are subjective but my feeling is the guidance for service
could be tightened at least.

I just have a hang up about data quality.

Cheerio John

On 6 December 2017 at 16:38, Claire Halleux <>

> Hi John, do you any have specific examples to share?
> In DRC, you can find pretty long service roads within mining concessions
> and leading to extraction sites.
> Interestingly, within logging and agricultural concessions, we usually tag
> similar "industrial roads" as highway=track + access=logging / agriculture
> Can this distinct tagging be justified in some ways?
> Claire
> Claire Halleux
> OpenStreetMap RDC
> On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 8:33 PM, john whelan <> wrote:
>> I'm seeing some that are more than 10kms in length.
>> My feeling is this is not a service highway in the conventional sense.
>> Thoughts?
>> and if it is considered that 10 km is too long can we drop a guideline
>> into the wiki?
>> Thanks John
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