Do we care?

Are we seeing a drop off in the numbers mapping?

Could someone put some numbers in so we can see a % figure on how bad the
problem is?  My expectation is considering the numbers involved the
fraction of aid workers involved would be very low.

The expense of vetting local volenteers or even employees is probably
something the accountants would like to keep to a minimum.

I note that in many areas one of the biggest problems is simply
corruption.  Food aid being sold in markets for example.  How realistic is
it to expect western european standards of behavior?

I was concerned that one of the OXFAM employees implicated appears to have
found a job with UNICEF.

Politically governments provide much of the funding for aid work.  It
doesn't make it easier for them.

Any thoughts or is it one of those things that are not to be discussed?

Thanks John
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