Greetings HOT,


We welcome you to join the Activation Working Group tomorrow (March 16th) at
1400UTC. We will start with just text chat on the #hot IRC
<>  channel, which is bridged to
#hot_irc_channel in the HOT Slack <> . We may move
to voice if those in attendance think it would facilitate the conversation
more effectively. In that case we will use Mumble
<> , an Open Source voice and text
platform we use for HOT Membership meetings. The agenda, notes and other
information can be found on the AWG wiki-page
tivation> .


Thank you for supporting HOT's mission!



Russell Deffner

Volunteer Disaster Mapping Coordinator

Email:  <>

OSM/Skype: russdeffner

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) 

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