Dear all,

We have just completed the 2018 HOT Election.

The newly elected Board Members are *Trudy Hope* and *Natalie Sidibe*

Votes total: 89

Vote for Board:

Trudy Hope: 58 Votes
Natalie Sidibe: 53 Votes
Matt Gibb: 43 Votes
Abstain: 7 Votes

The newly elected Chair is *Joseph Reeves*

Votes total: 89

Vote for Chair:

Joseph Reeves: 76
Abstain: 13

Congratulations to all! The website will be updated shortly to show these

Our elections are voted in by our Membership; if you would like to
participate in future elections please discuss with a current Member the
possibility of being nominated. The nomination period is not going to be
for a little while now, but it would be good to begin thinking about this
if you would like to become a Member. Feel free to drop me an email if you
would like to know more.

All best, Joseph
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