By now you may have noticed the new (if not, check it out!)

*My top 5 list (why I'm so excited): The new site...*

*5. ...Focuses on impact: *Has been completely re-organized around our
community's impact on the world, or "Impact Areas" that tie loosely to the
Sustainable Development Goals.

*4. ...Gives volunteer communities and NGOs using OSM for the first time a
clear path to get started: *Clearly links to the FOSS tools we use in our
mapping process, with the goal of quickly helping new volunteer communities
or NGOs get started with OSM.

*3. ...Communicates the true breadth of our community's work: *Prominently
showcases projects from across our community both large and small, making
it simple for any HOT mission-focused project to set up a web presence with
a "Project page".

*2. ...Gets you in touch quickly with the right people:* Links to each's
country's OSM community(ies), voting member(s), or HOT staff team.

*and number one....*

*1. Has a map (Built with Mapbox/OSM)! *Click on any country to explore all
projects in that country.

*Congratulations to **Nate Smith for leading this effort. Thank you to each
member of the working group: Amelia, Biondi, Blake, Brendan, Dakota, Dylan,
Felix, Mhairi, Rachel, Ramya, Rebecca, Russell, Willie**, and many others
who provided input along the way.*

*Tyler Radford*
Executive Director

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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