Hi all,
some days ago I add to building's material wiki page, some attributes
that I think would be usefull to calculate some things in case of
earthquakes or flood emergencies. Also, could be usefull for some other
things, like a census about rural housing materials, or some other
activities from ngos or governmental officers like Housing and
Sanitation Ministry in Peru, for example.

In wiki page about materials I added two tags about materials for
buildings made from mud: "adobe" and "rammed earth" ("tapial" in


Now, I have some doubts to share with you about wiki page
"building:material". This page it's describe as values to tag building's
"facade" and I think a wiki page for material strecuture of buildings is
needed, maybe "key:material" is the wiki page I don't be sure...


In ID, as value for buildings:material appears "mud", but mud is the
value for "natural" tag, natural=mud


For "roof:material" I added the value "palm_leaves" for this type of
roof, very common in amazonian region, and others tropical places.


So, I wanted to open this thread to share with you these issues and know
what do you think about it. And, if you have other better ways to
tagging materials of buildings, I linke to know them.

Do you know how it is possible to add these values as presets in ID

Thanks for your attention!


Johnattan Rupire

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