Greetings HOT Activation Coordinators, and community,


Brief: Thank you for supporting HOT Disaster Relief efforts; join the AWG
for other ways to help!


We have been now been Activated for three months straight with about a dozen
separate incidents we have either coordinated or supported a local
coordination effort. I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has
contributed either through mapping and validating, or especially in the
often chaotic initial coordination efforts. 


Here are some highlights:

*       We quickly mapped 18,000 buildings in Somalia so UNITAR could create
estimates and maps for flood relief.
*       Supporting OSM Colombia, we Mapswipe-d a large area around the
Hidroituango dam and about 150 dedicated mappers digitized about 50,000
buildings in the area most at risk of dam failure.
*       Mostly standing by and watching, we also created a project to help
the local mappers get ahead of the eruption of Mount Kilauea in Hawaii,
making about 60,000 changes to the map including the fissures and lava
*       In Guatemala, the Fuego Volcano had a much more violent eruption and
we activated to map over 17,000 structures around the volcano that were
susceptible to lahar and landslide.
*       A much larger area was impacted by flooding in Sri Lanka, so far
about 100,000 buildings have been traced and for longer-term recovery
efforts, we still have more area to map. 
*       In Japan we had first a major earthquake and CrisisMappers – Japan
and OSM – Japan jumped into action mapping. By the end of June 1 million
changes to the map had already been made. Then the country was hit by heavy
rains causing major flooding, so we offered our support to the mapping
efforts needed there. There continues to be recovery projects for Japan on
the Tasking Manager.
*       When Ebola made a resurgence in the Democratic Republic of Congo in
April-May, OpenStreetMap-RDC launched an effort along with local government
and Médecins Sans Frontières to map the area. The incredible effort of about
850 mappers to digitize over 250,000 structures as well as thousands of
kilometers of roads and waterways, quickly got the basemap of the area
complete. Now there is a new outbreak, but we are prepared to support
OSM-RDC again.
*       Also recently, we have had a few smaller responses; one to map
villages in the Andes mountains for a volunteer team bringing supplies.
Another dam failure, this time in Laos, also needed some mapping.
Fortunately a lot of the area this time was Mapswiped and mapped before in
the malaria elimination campaign.


I know that is a lot with not much detail, and I would like to do more to
keep you informed. However, with as many responses as we have been handling,
there is not a lot of time for writing emails, blogs, etc. We could really
use more help, our coordination teams are made up of 10 “roles” but often
it’s only a few of us doing a handful of roles each. Don’t know what you
might be interested in, or interested in just one aspect of disaster
coordination, that’s fine; head over to - take
the Activation Essentials course and see what role you might want to help
with. If you’re interested in all of what we do in disaster, same thing –
take essentials and the optional ‘assignment’ to join the Activation Working
Group, mailing list and roster and we will plug you right in.


Thank you again for your dedication to disaster mapping with HOT,



Russell Deffner

Email:  <>

OSM/Skype: russdeffner

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