Hello HOT -

A short update on the Technical Working Group! If you're curious to get
more involved or just learn more, read below and look to join our next
meeting on *October 2 at 15:00 UTC*.

As a reminder, you can find information about all the working groups and
links to where the conversation happens on the website:


*Updates to HOT Tech Working Group*

At FOSS4G/HOT Summit we heard a number of things from staff, members, and
the community. One common theme that came out was the need to propose some
changes to the Tech Working Group to meet demand of development pace and
look to get more people involved in specific tools and not just admin

Over the past year, the Tech Working Group meeting has been meeting
bi-weekly and exploring some slightly different formats. While we’ve
experimented with different formats (type of meetings, meetings in Asia and
EU/Americas timezones), it’s mostly been an admin meeting with lower
attendance. We’ve continued to receive feedback that the meeting is hard to
get involved (it’s text based) and that it would be nice to have more
presentation style updates to see features demo’d or updates communicated.

So we’re changing how the Tech Working Group meets.

   - Move to a monthly voice meeting. Focus on sharing tools, data work, or
   other technical work from across projects, countries, people. We will need
   screen-sharing functionality and so we’ll look to use Google Hangouts Meet
   or Zoom for now and can consider some other open source options that can
   handle larger groups.
   - Add topical or tool based sub-working groups. Start with the following
   (but could be revisited next year):
   - Tasking Manager and ML
      - Data analysis and quality
      - Field collection tools
   - Continue to share a monthly update note

*How we get this started*

Monthly Meeting

We’ll have our first month Tech Working Group meeting on *Oct 2 at 15:00
UTC*. We’ll demo the upcoming new release of MapCampaigner and give a short
training on how to use it and some future development ideas.

Sub working group meetings

We will be having our first Tasking Manager working group meeting today at
15:00 UTC. We will share the plan for the other sub working groups and
update the Working Group calendar
with the details for when meetings will happen and how to plug in.

Nate Smith
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
@nas_smith <https://twitter.com/nas_smith>
HOT mailing list

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