Dear HOT community members,

I’m reaching out to you regarding the 6th edition of the GeOnG forum that will take place in 3 weeks, from *October **29**th**to 31**st**in Chambéry**, France*! (1h from Geneva, 3 from Paris or Milano...)

Organized by CartONG <>, the GeOnG addresses the use of data in the humanitarian & development sectors, including topics related to mapping & GIS, mobile data collection, information management, and more generally the use of new technologies by humanitarian organizations - as you can see in our 2018 GeOnG teaser <>. It’s one of the biggest independent forum on the topic in Europe, with an average of 140 participants from 70 organizations in the last two editions.

This year’s theme is: *“Perfection” versus “Good Enough” in Information Management: Adjusting to context, scale, phase, and funding*. We have planned together with several members of the HOT/OSM ecosystem many sessions that would be very relevant for you I think; including:

 * A panel discussion on "Machine Learning & AI on satellite imagery
   for mapping" (much linked with the discussion started by Nate a few
   weeks ago )
 * A panel discussion on "What business model for digital commons in
   the humanitarian sector?" with several project examples inc. the
   Tasking Manager
 * A workshop ran by Gaurav from the Kathmandu Living Lab on "Maps with
   and for the beneficiaries"
 * A workshop by the team from University of Heidelberg on advanced use
   of OSM data
 * But also many more sessions & trainings on data protection, coding
   on Git, basic & advanced GIS, data collection, webmapping, etc.

You can register to the GeOnG directly on our website <>, and also find there the practical information <> to plan your trip to Chambéry, a provisional agenda <> that we will update as sessions get confirmed, a snapshot of participating organizations <>, and last but not least thelist of our sponsors <> that make the event possible. Please notice that our budget doesn't allow us to cover the travel or more than a handful of speakers so we won't be able to offer an open scholarship system, sorry!

We would be very happy to have you as part of our event! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in our French Alps. Thank you for your time and attention!

CartONG- Humanitarian mapping and information management <>

Martin Noblecourt

Missing Maps project manager

Email: <> | Skype: martin.noblecourt
Phone: +33 (0)4 79 26 28 82 | Mobile: +33 (0)6 04 09 74 19

Address:Chambéry, France - Lat: 45°34'50''N | Lon: 5°55'13''E

GeOnG 2018 - The humanitarian data forum - 29-30-31 October Chambéry, France

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