Season's Greetings everyone!


We hope you are somewhere safe and warm right now, or when you are, maybe
you will want to catch up on all the great presentations we had during the
2018 Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) - Community Webinar Series:

*       January: We kicked-off the year with a webinar from our Executive
Director, Tyler Radford, who gave a brief review of 2017 and the plans for
HOT in 2018 <> .
*       February: A much needed training on Validation tips and tricks
<>  from Matthew Gibb.
*       March: Started our 'reports from the field' presentations with HOT
Turkey <> .
*       April: Followed by a presentation from several of our field projects
in Tanzania <> .
*       May: Tried a new collaboration with the Training working group with
a JOSM for beginners training <> .
*       June: We invited an expert, Dan Joseph, to tell us how OpenDataKit
and mobile data collection <>  works.
*       July: Was a special series of webinars from our Micrograntee

*       There were 5 topics: Gender, Youth, Data, Advocacy and Inclusivity
*       Unfortunately not all recordings worked, but there are two on the
HOT YouTube.  <>  

*       August-October: Took a break to focus on the HOT Summit and other
in-person events.
*       November: Followed our collaboration with Training WG for an
Advanced JOSM training <> .
*       And December we took off to celebrate!


We felt this year went so well, nearly maxing out our webinar capacity a few
times, that we are already working hard to make sure 2019's webinar series
is just as good, if not better!


So far, we have our January webinar already scheduled. it will be a really
good one with a presentation from our field operations in Uganda! Register


Then for February-March, look forward to a presentation on what HOT is doing
with Machine Learning, potential upcoming changes to the Tasking Manager,
and more about current HOT technical development. Also we have invited
Heidelberg University to tell us about their recent work with
OpenRouteService or Mapswipe, or any of the other fun things they are doing
around OpenStreetMap. And, the Training Working Group is currently
scheduling more frequent, and maybe additional, training topics this year.
So potentially look for more than just one webinar per month in 2019.


>From the Community Working Group and everyone at HOT.

Happy New Year! We look forward to having you at our webinars and trainings
in 2019!

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