6. What do you think about your professionalism in terms of skills needed for OSM?* I'm a native English speaker and I haven't the foggiest what you're on about.

Have a look at streetcomplete or attend a HOT mapathon in Africa then rethink this question.  I suggest you do some mapping in OSM first.  Your survey appears to make a number of assumptions about people who contribute to the project .

Cheerio John

Daniela Šedlárová wrote on 2019-03-21 4:24 PM:
Good day, please fill out the questionnaire for my thesis. The questionnaire concerns contributors to the OSM project. It takes you about 10 minutes. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSZIjLltmnYjQ40hkX6lto5-rydEOxPGVBf8rBlcgA4S2kXg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Thanks for your time! Sincerely Daniela
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