Hi all,
I want to recognize a key point here brought up by both Pierre and Mikel:
quality of our data matters. And it is of increasing importance as the size
of the community & number of mapping projects grows.

The idea around a Chief Data Officer or similar certainly has merit. It's
not something we as an NGO have the resources to do immediately but I'm
adding the topic to our next management meeting.

We do care deeply about the usefulness and quality of what the NGO and
broader community is producing and there are a couple near-term steps we
are taking:

1. Software improvements to Tasking Manager (and iD) to limit "bad data"
and promote quality data.
2. Writing a FAQ/guidelines for project managers (at HOT, other NGOs, and
community organizers) on how to "operationalize" the organized editing
guidelines in their work.
3. Dedicated Quality Assurance team members - starting next week we're
assigning 4 QA staff from our Tanzania team to support the Cyclone Idai
activation full-time for the next month.
4. Missing Maps - HOT has a (single) full time QA/data validation person to
support corporate mapathon validation. Not enough but it's a start.
5. Better community support - I asked Russ Deffner to take on a 5-hour a
week community support role to work with the over 250 people who have
access to create projects in the Tasking Manager. Russ will be doing things
like - training in project creation, monitoring, reporting, and followup
with project managers on validation progress across all projects.

I'd consider these "quick impact" - not a global, long-term solution. But
hopefully a step in the right direction.

*Tyler Radford*
Executive Director

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
web <http://hotosm.org/> | twitter <https://twitter.com/hotosm> | facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/hotosm> | donate <https://donate.hotosm.org>

On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 5:55 PM Vao Matua <vaoma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Rory,
> You are absolutely right, I'm not suggesting not using those guidelines,
> we need them. The Organized Editing Guidelines are fine and I believe most
> of the people in the OSM community want to follow the guidelines or at
> least follow in spirit. I've worked very hard to create good clear
> instructions when creating HOT tasks. If a mapathon host or newbie editor
> would follow those directions and the Guidelines we wouldn't have the
> problems we are seeing.
> The challenge I see is: How do we help the semi-informed follow those
> guidelines and the task instructions?
> Emmor
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 11:05 AM Rory McCann <r...@technomancy.org> wrote:
>> On 28.03.19 02:57, Vao Matua wrote:
>> > I have observed some characteristics about the OSM mapping through HOT
>> > tasks being done by mapathons, primarily ones done by corporate
>> sponsors.
>> > It appears that often these efforts are not well led, or at least not
>> > led by individuals that have a good level of OSM experience and skills.
>> > The results are that very common mistakes and errors are created.
>> > ...
>> > Perhaps HOT should establish a test or a vetting process for potential
>> > mapathon leaders?
>> Isn't this why we created the Organized Editing Guidelines in the first
>> place? One solution is for mapathon hosts to talk about it before hand,
>> and for people will more experience to provide feedback?
>> We spent a year on the organized editing policy. Why fart around
>> ignoring the solution we have chosen. Let's move on. Mapathons can be of
>> good quality and good for the community by following the policy. The
>> rules are there. Follow them. Map. Organize. Have fun.
>> Rory
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