Hi HOT Community -

As May kicks off, I would like to circulate an update and raise awareness
of the Technical Working Group monthly meeting. The Technical Working Group
now meets monthly on the first Tuesday of every month. Our next
meeting is *Tuesday,
May 7 at 15:00 UTC*.

If you’ve been interested in the tools or technical aspects of HOT, the
Technical Working Group is a place to get plugged in. There are sub-working
groups that meet on a frequency based on the contributors for specific tool
development, but the general Tech Working Group meeting covers tech
direction on our tools and general tech discussion within the community.
The May meeting of the Tech Working Group is an office hours month and is a
good chance to bring questions or raise a discussion item.

Our monthly Technical Working Group meeting now follows a quarterly

   - *First month* -- Roadmap meeting. This reviews the Tech Work Plan and
   what's being worked on.
   - *Second month* -- Office hours. This is an open hour for discussion
   and answering questions.
   - *Third month* -- Community Sprint check-in. Each quarter we have a
   community sprint around a topic. This may be roadmap tasks that have the
   ability to be implemented over a longer period.

As a reminder, the Working Group calendar is accessible here

Tech Working Group Meeting details:

   - When: First Tuesday of Month at 15:00 UTC
   - Where:
      - Video conference link: https://meet.google.com/rmn-tygd-aab
      - Phone call-in: +1 540-680-3954‬ PIN: ‪883 288 687‬#
      - No international number at the moment

Feel free to contact me directly if any questions.



*Nate Smith*
Director of Technology Innovation
n...@hotosm.org <tyler.radf...@hotosm.org>

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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