*http://donate.hotosm.org/ <http://donate.hotosm.org/>  *

Dear HOT,

I'm very happy to announce the official launch of Microgrants 2020. From
now through January 1st, HOT’s annual fundraising campaign will support
communities by raising funds that get disbursed to community projects as
small grants. Called "Microgrants", these funds enable communities to put
themselves on the map in OpenStreetMap literally and figuratively while
addressing the challenges affecting them, from seasonal flooding and
wildfires, to preventing gender-based violence, and responding to disease

In the past three years, your donations have directly supported 24
communities across 22 countries with over US$100,000. By donating, you will
provide these communities with the technology, training and equipment they
need to make sure no one is left behind.

Check out the projects here:  http://donate.hotosm.org/

Now - it's up to all of us in the HOT community to help get them to their
funding goals! 100% of donations go to the communities themselves. HOT does
not have institutional donors that fund this initiative, so your personal
contributions really matter, and affect the success of each community's

If you are not able to give financially at this time, a simple thing you
can do is to share on social media and tell one other friend or family
member about the campaign.


*Tyler Radford*
Executive Director

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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