Hi all,

My name is Micheal Yani, the coordinator for the new Openstreetmap South
Sudan community.  I got involved in OpenStreetMap in 2017 through
HOT-Uganda who conducted an OSM training in Omugo, Rhino Camp Refugee
settlement in Uganda.

We are starting an OpenStreetMap Community for South Sudan -- our community
consists of members in both South Sudan and South Sudanese refugees living
in Uganda, who participated in the mapping of refugee settlements in Uganda
with HOT.

Our major target is to train the South Sudanese refugees in Uganda,
Students, Government agencies, and Non-Governmental Organisations working
in South Sudan, and equip them with the applications, skills and knowledge
of using the OpenStreetMap data to solve challenges like seasonal flooding
affecting the community.

We are also planning to start a YouthMappers chapter for the students at
Juba International University in South Sudan, in addition to training 150
new mappers to join the community who will add missing places on the map in
addition to mapping areas affected by flooding.

We are looking for funds to hold workshops, train people and buy devices to
carry out the mapping. Our community will be glad to receive your donation
towards reaching our goal to build the OSM community in South Sudan.


Best regards,

Micheal Yani
HOT mailing list

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