Looking forward to collaborating on the work in Syria. I have done quite a bit of mapping of the power grid in the northeast part of the country. Since you are with WFP I am guessing this is not particularly useful to your group specifically but likely useful to other development efforts within the UN.

Let us know if there are specific things you need mapped to help you in your work. As long as it is something that can be seen in satellite imagery we would be able to map it for you. Keep in mind that we have a limited number of volunteers available, so the more specific you can be in what you request, the more quickly we will be able to map what you ask for.

If you would like to talk for a more detailed discussion of OSM and Syria I would be happy to voice chat with you on Skype or a similar platform. I am free any time during US daylight hours.


On 4/26/20 7:05 AM, Dimitris Kar wrote:
Hey all,

I have recently joined WFP Syria as a senior GIS Officer in the CO. Part of my duties is to  work together with other agencies and organisations in improving GIS infrastructure, data collection and data sharing. At this point I am trying to identify ways of how we could make greater use of HOTOSM in Syria and I would like to initiate a discussion with colleagues, who have experience in the Syria context.


Dimitris Karakostis
United Nations World Food Programme
Technical Manager - GIS Officer
www.linkedin.com/in/dkarakostis <http://www.linkedin.com/in/dkarakostis>
dkarakos...@gmail.com <mailto:v...@enomix.gr>

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