Hello humanitarian OpenStreetMappers,

We are back with the Tech Announcement from the HOT Tech Team. From now on,
we are going to post updates bi-weekly:

*Tasking Manager 4.1 release*
The 4.1.0 version of Tasking Manager was released and deployed on
Wednesday, July 15. The main change on this release is the project stats
dashboard (see an example <https://tasks.hotosm.org/projects/8704/stats>).
Checkout the release notes
<https://github.com/hotosm/tasking-manager/releases/tag/v4.1.0>to know more.

*Validator survey*
One of our Outreachy <https://www.outreachy.org/> participants, Lupita, is
evaluating the user experience (UX) across some HOT tools. Right now we are
conducting a validators survey in order to get more feedback about
validation on Tasking Manager 4. If you are a frequent validator,
please participate
answering the survey <https://forms.gle/wDsc9WgkmB3BwWLXA>.

*The Tech Team blog*
Our team opened up a blog inside the HOT website:
https://www.hotosm.org/tech-blog/. Head on over to get to know our team and
our tech as well as get the latest updates on how we solve the technical

Wille Marcel
Product Owner
HOT mailing list

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