Hello everyone,

HOT celebrates turning 10 years old this month and we are planning a few
communications next week! This will include:

*17 Aug:* Release of HOT's TED talk
*19 Aug: *Sharing the highlights of HOT's humanitarian responses and
humanitarian partners (World Humanitarian Day)
*20 Aug: *A global mapathon across several timezones and in three
languages! Register
*21 Aug: *Messaging and memories from Voting Members, HOT community,
volunteers, micrograntees and long service staff on 10 years of HOT.

We'd love to get your perspectives to include in this! If you feel inspired
to do so, please send a message or a memory to Gihan (
gihan.hassan...@hotosm.org) by Friday 14 August. There is no set format,
however you wish to express yourself is great. If you have a photo to go
with it, even better. Depending on what we get this will be crafted into a
blog post or a social media series, or both.

Many thanks in advance for your participation,


*Rebecca Firth*
Director, Community & Partnerships

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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