Hello Humanitarian OpenStreetMappers,

Get updated with the latest news from the HOT Tech Team.

*Tasking Manager 4.1.8 released*

This week we released the 4.1.8 version of Tasking Manager. This version
contains improvements on performance, some bug fixes and allows project
managers to configure iD with some additional presets restrictions. Release
notes <https://github.com/hotosm/tasking-manager/releases/tag/v4.1.8>
available on GitHub.

*New blog posts*

In the last three months, the Tech Team mentored four interns from the
Outreachy <https://www.outreachy.org/> and Google Summer of Code
<https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/> projects. They worked with us to
improve some of our tools.

Andria Hibe wrote about some awesome slack commands that she created to the
HOT community. Those commands allow you, for example, to easily check
statistics about a Tasking Manager project from the Slack application. Read
her blog post <https://www.hotosm.org/tech-blog/slackbot-router/> to know
all available commands.

João Vitor built a solution to generate “Organised Editing Guidelines”
documents based on the data available on Tasking Manager and automatically
push it to a git repository and to the OSM Wiki. We will start to test his
solution on the next few days, check his blog post
<https://www.hotosm.org/tech-blog/gosc-20-organised-editing/> to know more
about it.
Wille Marcel
Developer - Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
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