Hello Humanitarian OpenStreetMappers,

Get updated with the latest news from the HOT Tech Team.

*Tasking Manager 4.1.11 released*

This new Tasking Manager release brings another round of updates to the
notification system. The emails sent by TM now have a beautiful HTML
template, which makes it better to read and can spark a better user
engagement. The notification content texts received some improvements too.

We received collaborations from three external developers that helped us to
enhance the deployment infrastructure and the design of some components.
Check out the release notes
<https://github.com/hotosm/tasking-manager/releases/tag/v4.1.11> for more

*Barcelona Hackaton*

During the last weekend some members of the Tech Team collaborated as
mentors on the Copernicus Barcelona Hackaton <https://barcelonahack.com/>.
The event was online only and had the goal to develop solutions to improve
the management of disasters caused by weather or climate events.

Wille Marcel
Product Owner at Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
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