
If possible please upgrade to the latets HPLIP from our website.

If you continue to have problems run hp-check and post the output.


On 6/30/07, Robert Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a Photosmart 2610 All-in-One. Some months ago,
I was able to successfully use it as a USB printer
with Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy). Sometimes. Sometimes I could
print fine, and sometimes trying to print caused the
printer to stall indefinitely and Ghostscript to take
up nearly 100% of one of my processors until I killed
it. During this time, I could always print test pages
at will; only trying to print from an application
(OpenOffice, Evince, the GIMP, etc.) caused these

At some point, though, I stopped being able to print
at all. Not even test pages work now. Any kind of
print job, as soon as I submit it, is immediately
stopped. Upgrading from Ubuntu 6.10 to 7.04 (Feisty)
didn't change anything. With the Printing control
panel GNOME provides, I tried removing the printer and
re-adding it to see if that helped anything. But I
couldn't add it again, because my system seemed no
longer able to detect the printer over the USB
connection. I was able to add the printer again using
hp-toolbox, which recognized the printer without a
problem. But, I still have that
instantaneous–print-job–stopping problem.

(All this time, I might add, scanning via XSane has
worked without a hitch.)

Any ideas? hp-check isn't on my computer for some
reason, but here's what seems like a pertinent slice
of the CUPS error log, if it's of any use to you.
Sorry that it's so big.

D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] Loading attributes for
job 119...
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] Loading attributes for
job 120...
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] Loading attributes for
job 121...
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest:
11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST
/ HTTP/1.1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No
authentication data provided.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest:
6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST
/ HTTP/1.1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No
authentication data provided.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] Get-Printer-Attributes
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest:
6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] foomatic-rip
version $Revision$ running...
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Parsing PPD
file ...
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] *cupsFilter:
"application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip"
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Added option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Parameter
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Spooler: cups
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Printer:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Shell:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] PPD file:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] ATTR file:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Printer
model: HP PhotoSmart 2600 Foomatic/hpijs (recommended)
- HPLIP 1.7.3
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Job title:
Test Page
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] File(s) to be
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] <STDIN>
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] GhostScript
extra search path ('GS_LIB'): /usr/share/cups/fonts
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Pondering
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Unknown
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] File: <STDIN>
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Reading
PostScript input ...
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> This
document is DSC-conforming!
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] -----------
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] -----------
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
%%BeginFeature: *PrintoutMode Normal
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Option:
PrintoutMode=Normal --> Setting option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found: %%
FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: PrintoutMode=Normal
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Option:
PrintoutMode=Normal --> Setting option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
%%BeginFeature: *InputSlot Default
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Option:
InputSlot=Default --> Setting option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found: %%
FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: InputSlot=Default
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Option:
InputSlot=Default --> Setting option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
%%BeginFeature: *Quality FromPrintoutMode
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Option:
Quality=FromPrintoutMode --> Setting option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found: %%
FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Option:
Quality=FromPrintoutMode --> Setting option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
%%BeginFeature: *PageRegion Letter
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Option:
PageRegion=Letter --> Option will be set by PostScript
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found: %%
FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: PageSize=Letter
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Option:
PageSize=Letter --> Setting option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
%%BeginFeature: *Duplex None
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Option:
Duplex=None --> Setting option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found: %%
FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Duplex=None
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Option:
Duplex=None --> Setting option
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Inserting
PostScript code for CUPS' page accounting
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] -----------
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] New page:  1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Inserting
option code into "PageSetup" section.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] End of page
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Embedded
document, nesting level now: 1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Stopping
search for page header options
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Output
goes directly to the renderer now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Starting
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] JCL: <job
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] renderer PID
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] renderer
command: gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET
-dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs
-sDeviceModel="deskjet 5600" -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612
-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792 -dDuplex=false -r300

-dIjsUseOutputFD -sOutputFile=- -
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] renderer
return value: 255
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] renderer
received signal: 255
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Process dying
with "The renderer command line returned an
unrecognized error code 255.", exit stat: 1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] error:
Illegal seek (29)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] The renderer
command line returned an unrecognized error code 255.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] tail process
done writing data to STDOUT
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] KID4 finished
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Wrote 1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] PID 19297
(/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
%%BeginResource: procset Altsys_header 4 0
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
%%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] End of
Embedded document, nesting level now: 0
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
%%Pages: 1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found:
%%BoundingBox: 18 36 594 783
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Found: %%EOF
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] --> Continue
DSC parsing now.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122]
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Closing
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] KID3 exited
with status 1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Renderer exit
stat: 1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Renderer
process finished
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Killing
process 19309 (KID3)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Process dying
with "Error closing renderer", exit stat: 1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] error:
Illegal seek (29)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] [Job 122] Error closing
E [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] PID 19298
(/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) stopped with
status 1!
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST
/ HTTP/1.1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No
authentication data provided.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest:
7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST
/ HTTP/1.1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No
authentication data provided.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] Get-Printer-Attributes
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:45 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest:
7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] Discarding unused
printer-state-changed event...
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 10
from localhost (Domain)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 11
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 10
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No
authentication data provided.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] Get-Jobs
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest:
10 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 11
from localhost (Domain)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 10
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 11
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No
authentication data provided.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] Get-Jobs
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest:
11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] PID 19299
(/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp) exited with no errors.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] [Job 122] File 0 is
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] Discarding unused
printer-state-changed event...
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:47 -0400] Discarding unused
job-stopped event...
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:48 -0400] Unloading job 122...
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:50 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST
/ HTTP/1.1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:50 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No
authentication data provided.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:50 -0400] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:50 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest:
6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:50 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST
/ HTTP/1.1
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:50 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No
authentication data provided.
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:50 -0400] Get-Printer-Attributes
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:50 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest:
6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
D [30/Jun/2007:17:13:50 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST
/ HTTP/1.1

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