Stats can be useful in other ways, though...

For example, if certain episodes are proving to be more popular than others it might give people an idea of what topics to focus on more. If we can see over time which episodes are being returned to (ie, re-downloaded or continue to be downloaded months after initial release) it might give some idea of things to follow up on. If certain presenters appear to have a stronger following than others, that might give some ideas as well.

It's really a question of how useful the stats can be in building profiles and demographics.

Now, I am not suggesting that HPR should only be driven by statistics, but that it might just give us some insight into things and help improve the content / focus that our audience wants from us.


We need to heed the words of the Dalai Lama,
Or at least, the words of your mama.

On 2014-07-14 12:54, Mike Ray wrote:
Personally I care not a jot about download statistics. I certainly have
no intention of either making more shows or not making more shows based
on download stats.

And life's too short for ploughing through Apache logs to circumvent the
tendency of pod-catchers to make multiple requests for one show.

On 14/07/2014 18:50, Ken Fallon wrote:
On 2014-06-04 15:43, Ken Fallon wrote:
> I'm open to suggestions, but from the numbers above the RSS *feels* to
> me like it's the most accurate.

(Again) Failing to garner any support for my point of view, the
downloads stats will be compiled monthly and will be added to the site.

It's now officially on the list. Implementation will take longer because
of higher priorities.

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Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK

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