I'm going to try to put aside for a moment my initial reaction to
Katrina's email. Trying to be objective, I think the topics covered by
the website in question are certainly "of interest to hackers", and on
that ground, I would have absolutely no objection to someone producing
an episode about it. On the other hand, the website content is not
freely licensed, and I don't see them as generally promoting free
culture or hacker culture. For recurring promotions, I think HPR only
has an obligation (if it can even be called that) to promote sites or
services that are in direct support of its goals. My view of HPR's
goals is of course merely opinion, and it is the view of the community
as a whole that really matters. If the community feels this is the
type of project we should be supporting, then I'm behind it, but I
don't personally feel that a non-free-culture IT education site fits
the bill.

Objectivity aside, Katrina's email made me bristle. My recommendation
is that we take it in the spirit in which it was offered: that of HPR
selling out to garner more page views and downloads. No thanks.

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