On 10/05/2016 10:47, Curtis Adkins wrote:
> On 05/10/2016 03:41 AM, Mike Ray wrote:
>> Hello folks.
>> I have recently changed my Windows (sharp intake of breath) PC and as a
>> consequence have updated to Libre Office
>> I think the styles dialog must be open and docked somewhere because
>> pressing F11 has no effect.
>> Of course since I can't see I can't use the mouse to get to this dialog.
>> Does anybody know how to close it if it is open, and whether it needs to
>> be undocked so that it takes focus when I next open if with F11?
>> I can find nothing about closing it online.  I am assuming I can't do
>> this until it has focus.
>> Mike
> Mike,
> I am running so I am not sure if it's exactly the same. This
> newer version of Writer has a "sidebar" where the styles and properties
> are.  However, F11 does allow me to show and hide the styles.  I can
> undock the sidebar and F11 still opens and closes the sidebar.  I am
> wondering if hitting F11 shows the Properties or something and not the
> styles.
> It might be working but not giving any indication that it is working. 
> That is of course a guess.
> Curtis

It's annoying when things change and are moved around from one version
to another.  At least good old Debian is stuck in the comfortable and
familiar past.

I will have to troll the net and see if I can find the keyboard commands
to get the dialog to take focus because currently pressing F11 does
nothing audibole.


Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK

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