I love this idea as well. Doubly so if the automated tests could be well known and sled performed by hosts before upload. 

On Jul 5, 2020 16:15, "Thaj A. Sara" <thajas...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am 100% for this.

Jul 5, 2020 7:04:19 AM Ken Fallon <k...@fallon.ie>:

> Hi All,
> Most of the shows we process require us to make some level of
> modifications to get them posted. This ranges from fixing tags to a
> complete rewrite of the shownotes, or verifying whether intros were
> actually added or not.
> Each modification that we make means that it requires more human
> intervention and prevents us from being able to completely automate the
> upload process. In addition there is a non trivial amount of time needed
> to fix these issues. This can range from a few minutes to an hour or
> more per show, and with 260 shows a year this mounts up.
> We normally don't contact hosts about these issues as it is usually
> quicker to fix the issues than composing emails, and waiting for the
> reply that may never come. For the most part our experience has been
> that hosts are more than willing to fix these issues if they are aware
> of them.
> As part of the ongoing steps toward automation, would hosts be open to
> the idea of getting a processing report once we have posted the show?
> This would list all the issues the test tools found and the steps that
> we needed to take to rectify them.
> --
> Regards,
> Ken Fallon
> http://kenfallon.com
> http://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents.php?hostid=30

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