This reminded me of an article I saw the other day on Hacker News : URL
query parameters and how laxness creates de facto requirements on the web (

While I generally fall  on the side of "Why are you putting your parameters
on my URL", does a hard "NO" hurt spreading the goodness of HPR more than
it provides a security to the site? Personally I don't find many links on
socail media i want to click upon, but I would hate to lose a potential new
listener/contributor because they followed a link from Facebook and then
didn't end up where the poster originally intended. I know this does add
some overhead to the code, but I feel it is worth it in this instance.



On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 7:49 AM Ken Fallon <> wrote:

> On 2020-09-09 11:15, Cedric De Vroey via Hpr wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm pretty new so I'm not sure if this topic has already been discussed,
> > but I have noticed some weird things while trying to link to HPR ..
> > social media accounts. When I share a link on facebook pointing towards
> > my correspondent page
> > then the user
> > still ends up on Droops page (correspondent ID 1) because facebook adds
> > this
> > "&fbclid=IwAR3C2yjdET6JY9JSfLdGzlfUprlow6GoYbnkDf8noMUTS30GbLkKgLl13z8"
> > to the url and the CMS behind HPR seems unable to handle this.
> The weird thing is that facebook is adding a parameter to someone else's
> website url. Please ask Facebook not to sent additional query parameters
> to websites that they do not own. I know of cases where people were
> prosecuted for adding parameters like that to websites as it was
> considered a hacking attempt.
> >
> > What I guess is happening is that the url mapping scheme behind the
> > correspondents page can only handle 1 parameter in the url. Once you add
> > any other parameter to the url next to hostid you see the same behavior.
> > I also noticed that if hostid is missing but any other parameter is
> > there on the correspondents page url like
> > /correspondents.php?whatever=foobar then we get a funky error:
> > image.png
> >
> All the pages on HPR know exactly what is allowed, what format it is. We
> will accept only the parameters that we require, and nothing else. We
> treat anyone sending additional parameters as a hostile agent and log it
> as an attack, the session is deliberately delayed, and they are removed
> from my holiday card list.
> > If you need help debugging the code and fixing this let me know.
> So far there have been 253 attempts and only 1 for gclid
> Seriously though, if this is something that we need to support I would
> like to hear from the community on this.
> I'm not sure how this "feature" would sit with our community
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