(Sorry for the repost, my mail client isn't clever enough to realise which email address I wanted to send this from...)

Hi everyone,

Ken has kindly shared with me the detail surround this particular episode. 

I understand Ken's reluctance to publicise the full detail at this time, due to the potential impact on the individuals involved.  This situation is not as straight-forward as it might appear on the surface, but this not a simple case of censorship.  It is my opinion that Ken's dealings with this have been completely on point, and I am in full support of his actions.

As the host has agreed to (and, in fact they offered) the removal of the episode from being published on HPR, that is what I recommend is done.

Many thanks,


On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 10:17pm, Ken Fallon <k...@fallon.ie> wrote:

Thanks Dave,

I removed the show.

In other news we appear to have a call for shows open ;-)
On 2022-03-24 23:05, Dave Lee wrote:

Hi everyone,

Ken has kindly shared with me the detail surround this particular episode.

I understand Ken's reluctance to publicise the full detail at this time, due to the potential impact on the individuals involved. This situation is not as straight-forward as it might appear on the surface, but this not a simple case of censorship. It is my opinion that Ken's dealings with this have been completely on point, and I am in full support of his actions.

As the host has agreed to (and, in fact they offered) the removal of the episode from being published on HPR, that is what I recommend is done.

Many thanks,


On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 7:41pm, Ken Fallon <k...@fallon.ie> wrote:

The host has got back in touch with me after been away for a few weeks
without Internet access.

We now have the permission to remove the show.

I have brought this thread to their attention.

I am producing a report into the chain of events that took place. I have
requested the community members who expressed concern about moving the
shows review it. With the goal to report back to the list with their
opinions on the matter.


Ken Fallon (PA7KEN,G5KEN)

On 2022-03-23 07:46, stankd...@stankdawg.com wrote:
> Replying to the original but read all the responses.
> I trust Ken completely. He is only taking this step for better communication with the contributor and the community. He has that much respect to be open about it. Don’t overthink it. Don’t jump to conclusions on any reasons until the communication is complete. You may never even find out.
> Also. In general, all of us behind HPR believe in free speech and are against censorship. But just like forums or tv shows or web sites we must have boundaries. Again I have no idea if there are content issues with this show that cross any of those boundaries or any show. But don’t cry censorship if I or the admins/janitors/etc choose to disallow a show that promotes hateful or illegal activity. That is not censorship. That is safety and responsibility. You must trust the system and again I trust Ken completely.
> Start giving these people the benefit of the doubt and assume positive intent of the people who have been successfully running this show for several years. I am certain that they have earned that respect.
> -StankDawg
> Sent from my iPhone.
>> On Mar 21, 2022, at 4:42 AM, Ken Fallon <k...@fallon.ie> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> One of the shows in the queue has some issues. I spoke to the host about it and it is not clear if they want to remove it or replace it. I think they are off line for a bit as they haven't replied.
>> Can I move the show out past the Community News so that the current slot can be freed up ? Hopefully that will give time for the host to reply.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Ken Fallon (PA7KEN,G5KEN)
>> kenfallon.com
>> hackerpublicradio.org/hosts/ken_fallon

Ken Fallon (PA7KEN,G5KEN)

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