In principle I am a firm believer of the principle "I disagree vehemently with 
what you say but defend absolutely your right to say it" (or whatever the 
precise wording was). However we have to accept that the real world does not 
follow that approach to its ultimate conclusion. It's easy to take the view 
"publish and be damned" when it is Ken risking possibly a year inside rather 
than us.

The reality of genuinely unrestricted, no holds barred free speech is actually 
quite sobering. Try "Where Thought Is Free" for an hour or two late at night 
(GMT) to hear an example of what surely nobody would want HPR to become.

The dilemma would seem to be that HPR can only protect itself against legally 
unacceptable material if somebody listens to every show between submission and 
publication to the stream, but that runs contrary to the HPR censorship policy.


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From: Hpr <> on behalf of Claudio Miranda 
Sent: 08 May 2022 19:39
To: Ken Fallon <>
Cc: <>; HPR Admins 
Subject: Re: [Hpr] Moving a show out ... again

I know it's rather simplistic and might not be the best option, but I'm tossing 
it out there: a 3-strikes policy. Maybe this time, give the benefit of the 
doubt, but with a stern warning that the next time it will not be allowed. Just 
a thought.


On Sun, May 8, 2022, 2:30 PM Ken Fallon <<>> 

Hi All,

You may 
 that back in March a host submitted a show that we had some problems with. We 
didn't go into details at the time as I wanted to give the host the benefit of 
the doubt. Suffice to say that were the show posted, I was looking at a 
considerable fine and up to a year in prison. In the end the host got back to 
us and decided to post it else where. As it turns out that platform also did 
not post the content in my region for the same reasons.

We now have another show from the same host and it has content that would bring 
us other legal issues, as well as violating the terms and conditions of our 
hosting providers. The host is not responding to my emails, presumably they are 
out camping again.

While our policy on censorship states "We do not vet, edit, moderate or in any 
way censor any of the audio you submit," it continues ",we trust you to do 
 While this host was given the benefit of the doubt the first time, I feel that 
by immediately posting another show like this they have betrayed the trust of 
the Janitors, Hosting Providers, Patrons, and the wider HPR community.

As you can imagine even having the show in the future feed is a bit risky, but 
we can not allow it to hit the main feed until the entire HPR community has had 
time to decide how to proceed. We will bring this up on the next community news 
and allow discussions as to how we deal with this stuff going forward. Up until 
now it has not been necessary but alas apparently now it is.

So I am once again asking you to allow me to move the problem show out so the 
host has time to get back to me.

FYI: The cc list has been included on all correspondence.


Ken Fallon (PA7KEN,G5KEN)<><>

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