I concur with Ken that a rewrite is probably the easiest solution if the current is too shocking for the wider audience to view... :-)

The Inlaws did a whole show on git-controlled static site generators a while ago (S01E51 / hpr3549), a concept that has been successfully deployed in quite a few projects over the years I was involved (the webpage of the local LUG I support probably being the most recent example: lugfrankfurt.de) for the following main reasons:

- It scales extremely well: Based on a versioning control system which is aimed at planet-wide massive collaboration (ie. the Linux kernel) this is suitable from a few collaborators right up to the thousands (if HPR ever can attract this amount of developers... :-), - The generation of the HTML content is blindigly fast. Depending on the technology and size of the site (the LUG uses a golang-based generator called Hugo), website generation from a set of mark-up files typically only takes a few seconds (generating the LUG with a total of fifty pages clocks in around 2 seconds on an old Skylake i7 with 16 GB of main memory and 512 GB of SSD running Jammy - ballpark figure), - Seamless integration in the git workflow. Using machisms like webhooks or similar, a new version of the site is generated on the fly once a new version has been committed to the git repo of the site, - Website performance is awesome. As this is static HTML with JS & friends kept to a minimum, content delivery is only limited by network performance and local ie. client-side rendering performance.

As I'm sure I'm not the only host using some background magic for automatic uploads of episodes as part of the Podcast production workflow (which is a pain due to potential changes in the upload page structure, etc. which can easily break the workflow) I volunteer for the API design / implementation. Ken and myself discussed this some years back and some initial design should be on the HPR gitlab instance (@Ken: This instance / server seems to be offline - do you have access to the document I am referring to?).

While I dig this up: Would it make sense to establish a quorum / working group of volunteers dedicated to the creation a new HPR website via this ML? We can then take this offline and discuss design, implementation incliding work allocation, timelines, etc. via a separate ML / other means.

        Cheers, Chris

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