
> I'm doing some experiments with hpx::dataflow and would like to
> recursively "chain" a dataflow for execution over a distributed vector of
> size_t elements.
> Sample code is provided below (apologies if it's not a perfect compile):
> static void run(
>   std::string nom,
>   size_t v) {
>   hpx::cout << v << hpx::endl;
> }
> HPX_PLAIN_ACTION(run, run_action);
> static hpx::future<void> run_dataflow(
>   std::string nom,
>   hpx::partitioned_vector<size_t> &arr,
>   std::vector<hpx::id_type> locs,
>   std::vector<size_t>::iterator curr,
>   std::vector<size_t>::iterator end) {
> hpx::future<void> res = (curr != end) ? run_dataflow(nom, arr, locs,
> std::next(curr), end) : hpx::make_ready_future();
> return hpx::dataflow(
>   hpx::util::unwrapped([nom, &arr, localities, &curr] () ->
> hpx::future<void> {
>     size_t v = *c;
>     return hpx::async<run_action>(localities[arr.get_partition(v)], nom,
> v);
>   }),
>   std::move(res) );
> }
> int main(int argc, char **argv) {
> ... /* dvec_size is defined up here */ ...
> std::vector<hpx::id_type> locs = hpx::find_all_localities();
> std::string nom = "arr_nom";
> hpx::partitioned_vector<size_t> arr(dvec_size,
> hpx::container_layout(locs));
> arr.register_as(nom);
> std::vector<size_t> pos;
> std::iota(
>   std::begin(pos),
>   std::end(pos),
>   dvec_size);
> hpx::future<void> fd = run_dataflow(
>   nom,
>   arr,
>   std::begin(pos),
>   std::end(pos) );
> fd.wait();
> }
> I've been getting a runtime errors for this code (segmentation fault) -
> this is probably a semi-trivial bug or misunderstanding on my part - any
> help/assistance would be appreciated. (I'm compiling against HPX with MPI)

The main reason for this kind of problems is that variables which are captured 
by reference into a lambda (or similar) go out of scope before the lambda 
itself is being executed:

void foo()
    vector<int> bar = {...};
    return async([&bar]() { bar.push_back(42); });


In this example, the variable 'bar' is not valid anymore when the lambda (which 
is scheduled as a new thread) is eventually executed. Please note, that 
dataflow() runs the function passed to it on a new thread as well.

I'd assume that in your example the variable 'arr' goes out of scope before the 
lambda referencing it is run.

Regards Hartmut

> V/r,
> Chris

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