>      My basic information is as follows:
>      *Name: Zeng Liang
>      *Location: China, Beijing
>      *University: Bachelor 2014-2018 : Department of Information and
> software engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
> China(UESTC) , P.R.China
>                           Ph.D. 2018.09- : Department of Institute for
> Interdisciplinary Information and Science(IIIS),Tsinghua University,
> P.R.China
>     *Future Plans: Do some research work
>     *Email: zlp...@qq.com
>     *Languages: python(3 years), C++(4 years)
>     *Github Link: github.com/zlpure
>     *Things want to do:  Applying Machine Learning Techniques on HPX
> Parallel Algorithms
>     *Deep Learning Framework: pytorch, tensorflow, keras
>     *Machine Learning/Deep Learning courses taken:
>       1. Machine-Learning on Coursera
>       2.  CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
> Winter2016
>       3. CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
>       4. CS234: Reinforcement Learning
>       The attachment is my resume. For more details, you can look at my
> cv.
>       Looking forward to your replay.

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Regards Hartmut

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