Hey Alanas,

thanks for getting in touch.

On 19:45 Fri 16 Mar     , Alanas Plascinskas wrote:
> Hey,
> I wanted to ask about the availability of your projects for GSoC 2018.
> I would mainly be interested in these projects: All to All Communications,
> Conflict (Range-Based) Locks and Newtonian Physics Sandbox but I"m open to
> any suggestions as well.

The Newtonian Physics Sandbox project is available until someone
solves it. :-)

> Have any of these received any serious proposals and if so do you have any
> other projects that would be important for you and are still open?

I haven't seen any proposal this year yet. In my experience they
usually come in hours before the deadline. That said, acceptance is,
as with probably all GSoC projects, conditional to a vote from all
mentors. So having no competition doesn't mean a free ticket. The
proposal still needs to be good. Let me know if I can answer any
questions on it.


Andreas Schäfer

HPC and Supercomputing for Computer Simulations
LibGeoDecomp project lead, http://www.libgeodecomp.org

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