On 12/6/19 5:28 PM, Simberg Mikael wrote:
> APEX integration has also
> been updated and can be enabled with -DHPX_WITH_APEX=ON and
> -DHPX_WITH_APEX_TAG=develop. The latter option will be unnecessary for
> the final release.

I am interested in generating traces in OTF2 format to load into Vampir. 
For that I am testing 1.4.0-rc2 with support for APEX and OTF2.

Building HPX with support for APEX works fine, great! I have also built
OTF2 (version 2.2) and passed in the APEX_WITH_OTF2 flag. I noticed that
otf2_listener.cpp.o was being built. I have no reason to believe the
resulting HPX does not have support for APEX+OTF2. Also:

./fibonacci --hpx:info | grep APEX

When I try this, no trace is printed, though:

APEX_SCREEN_OUTPUT=1 ./fibonacci

When I try this, a trace is printed:

APEX_SCREEN_OUTPUT=1 ./apex_fibonacci

I expected the first command to also print a trace. Is automatic 
instrumentation of HPX with APEX maybe not working yet in 1.4.0-rc2?

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