Eh Rip... Lu bukak topic 'salam Leave a fool' kan... Alih2 lu pun terjebak sama 
dgn pinoy...? Wakaakkak...

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- original message -
Subject: [HSM] Re: Salam kpd LEAVE-A-FOOL fans...
From: arief <>
Date: 26/11/2009 2:38 PM

fuuuhhh.. yg tu mmg aku tngu tu...
ko jgn sembang je jal...
psl aku dh tgk... mmg xle tahan...
adjust kan jal...

On Nov 26, 12:28 pm, mohd rafizal hassan <>
> rip...gua dah jumpa awek main pinoy yg kau nampak ari tu..
> ader berani x?(jadi ahli kelab)
> ________________________________
> From: "" <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, 26 November 2009 12:16:04
> Subject: [HSM] Re: Salam kpd LEAVE-A-FOOL fans...
> Rip, kalau ini jwpn dr pijal...maknanya itulaah maksud sbnr pinoy!.. Wakaka..
> Powered by Nokia E71
> - original message -
> Subject: [HSM] Re: Salam kpd LEAVE-A-FOOL fans...
> From: mohd rafizal hassan <>
> Date: 26/11/2009 12:13 PM
> bukan lah ..singkat untuk awek yg main piano..
> ________________________________
> From: "Bujairomi, Khairani" <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, 26 November 2009 11:58:03
> Subject: [HSM] Re: Salam kpd LEAVE-A-FOOL fans...
> Pinoy tu awek philippines kan......aku pun x sure......klu tak pun mungkin 
> bangsa diaorang ......
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of 
> arief
> Sent: 2009/11/26 11:55 AM
> To: HSM (class of '91 - '95)
> Subject: [HSM] Re: Salam kpd LEAVE-A-FOOL fans...
> hahaha... btol la zam...
> aku sbenarnya nak larikan dorang dr p'bincangan maksiat kat thread
> Rahul's tu...
> saje dok bukak topik bola... nk tgk apa respon...
> last2 ke situ gak...
> hmm... dh mmg sumer berkonek...
> apa nk buat...
> aku nk msk join citer dlm thread Rahul's tu pn x fhm 'pinoy' tu apa...
> itu 1 bnde aku x tahu smpi skarang...
> 'pinoy' tu apa?... xfhm r..
> On Nov 26, 9:21 am, wrote:
> > Bro Arip.... Lu punye cite & kutukan psl LiverFool ni kejap jek kan... 
> > komen punye komen dah menyimpang sampai ke china dah ni.... Wakakakkaa....
> > Diaorg ni mana minat psl bola ni... Maksiat lagi best.... Wakakakkaa...
> > Powered by Nokia E71
> > - original message -
> > Subject: [HSM] Re: Salam kpd LEAVE-A-FOOL fans...
> > From: "Bujairomi, Khairani" <>
> > Date: 26/11/2009 9:19 AM
> > Aku ok jer.......dah lama x rasa hidup bujang.........lagipun majority
> > kat group ni masih bujang.......tapi bujang 3 lah........kui kui
> > kui........
> > ________________________________
> > From: [] On Behalf
> > Of Ariffin Ahmad
> > Sent: 2009/11/25 2:39 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [HSM] Re: Salam kpd LEAVE-A-FOOL fans...
> > kalau dah mmg plan nagk gi karaoke...
> > simpan pompuan sepanjang kat sana..
> > bawak bini apa citer...
> > 2009/11/25 mohd rafizal hassan <>
> > gi bujang dulu lah bujai,dah tahu selok belok kt sana,baru bawa bini,x
> > gitu pek?
> > ________________________________
> > From: "Bujairomi, Khairani" <>
> > To:
> > Sent: Wednesday, 25 November 2009 2:32:48
> > Subject: [HSM] Re: Salam kpd LEAVE-A-FOOL fans...
> > Korang gi bujang ke bawa bini pek? Skrg tgh winter ni.....Klu ko gi
> > waktu summer thn depan nak gak aku ikut.........
> > ________________________________
> > From: [mailto: ] On
> > Behalf Of Khairil
> > Sent: 2009/11/25 2:23 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [HSM] Re: Salam kpd LEAVE-A-FOOL fans...
> > Cam kes aku mmg aku ade 2 passport pun.
> > Jadi x timbul pun semangat kebangsaan ke ape ke.....
> > Hahaha.....
> > Asal jer ade match MU,umah terbakar pun xsedo....hahaha!!! nak ajak
> > minum pun liat....
> > Agak2 klau player MU 50% org mesia,korang sokong x?
> > Aku ngan Sia akan ke China bulan depan.Sapo nak ikut,daftar nama ngan
> > Sia
> > Many thanks,
> > Kind Regards
> > Khairil
> > +6012-9737564
> > -Sent directly from my ipod touch-
> > On Nov 25, 2009, at 2:09 PM, Ariffin Ahmad <> wrote:
> >         MU mmg agak power.
> >         itu tak dapat dinafikan.
> >         tapi, apa citer, bila pegi tgk diaorang lawan.
> >         memasing pakai jersi red devil?...
> >         siap sorak untuk MU dan boo pasukan malaysia .
> >         pastu dok sibuk kutuk kutuk pasukan negara sendiri.
> >         baik buang je la IC korang tu.
> >         pegi la cuba nasib apply jadik rakyat british,.,,,
> >         2009/11/25 arief < <>
> >>
> >         x salah mengutuk kelemahan diri sendiri...
> >         hopefully dpt beri kesedaran utk perbaiki diri...
> >         masa zaman mokhtar dahari dulu, m'sia dh smpi tahap agak
> >         membanggakan...
> >         masa tu korea .... bola pun x kenal kut...
> >         tp skarang mreka tlalu jauh lbh baik bbndg mesia...
> >         dimanakah kemajuan kita?
> >         x salah mengutuk kelemahan diri sendiri... klu utk kebaikan...
> >         itu on behalf org yg mengutuk la...
> >         aku x mngutuk pn....
> >         sbb mmg MU agak power utk ditumbangkan mesia...
> >         well....
> >         On Nov 25, 1:39 pm, Ariffin Ahmad <> wrote:
> >         > red devil fan, yg time MU lawan malaysia aritu, duk sibuk
> > kutuk negara
> >         > sendiri tu ker?...
> >         > 2009/11/25 arief <>
> >         > > sekadar bertanya khabar...
> >         > > apa khabar kpd sahabat2ku fan liverpool....
> >         > > sihat ke?...
> >         > > tgh buat apa?....
> >         > > ikhlas drpd sahabatmu...
> >         > > the red devil's fan...- Hide quoted text -
> >         > - Show quoted text -
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