kalu kes ni lagi tanye lagi sesat zam oii..baik aku diam jek..kalu dah dapat 
nanti banyak plak komitmen kene involve...huhuu

From: "nizam7...@gmail.com" <nizam7...@gmail.com>
To: hsmuor@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, 8 December 2009 3:28:47
Subject: [HSM] Re: Fw: Eye Test

Org kata malu bertanya sesat jalan bro Mior....
Yg lu ni... Malu tapi mau...cnfrm tak dpt gak la...!..

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- original message -
Subject: [HSM] Re: Fw: Eye Test
From: Mio Nazrul Yusof <aku_desig...@yahoo.com>
Date: 08/12/2009 3:15 PM

sendiri mau ingat la...malu tapi mau..

From: Ariffin Ahmad <joe...@gmail.com>
To: hsmuor@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, 8 December 2009 3:13:02
Subject: [HSM] Re: Fw: Eye Test

ko tak tanya....
ko ingat pijal ngan apek ni kedekut sangat ker.
diaorang ngan member tak berkira sgt....
ko tu je, buat malu malu...

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Mio Nazrul Yusof <aku_desig...@yahoo.com> wrote:

sampai ke turn aku..? berjambang dah aku tunggu..takde offer pon..hehee..
From: Ariffin Ahmad <joe...@gmail.com>
>To: hsmuor@googlegroups.com
>Sent: Tuesday, 8 December 2009 3:09:18 
>Subject: [HSM] Re: Fw: Eye Test
>awek sama dikongsi?...
>tapi, cipap cuma satu, mio?...
>ko kena amik turn ko lepas pijal, lepas apek, siah, etc....
>by that time, bila turn ko sampai, agak lucky, pasal tak payah nak pakai ky 
>jelly lagi...
>2009/12/8 Mio Nazrul Yusof <aku_desig...@yahoo.com>
>berat same dipikol..
From: Ariffin Ahmad <joe...@gmail.com>
>>To: hsmuor@googlegroups.com
>>Sent: Tuesday, 8 December 2009 3:04:25
>>Subject: [HSM] Re: Fw: Eye Test
>>kalau sendiri dah terkena, cuba la berbuat kebajikan, dengan tidak mengenakan 
>>member lain gak...
>>On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Mio Nazrul Yusof <aku_desig...@yahoo.com> 
>>>>>>>>Look at the picture below very carefully  
>>>>>>>>Have you noticed the girl in the background? 
>>>>>>>>Noticed her bum? 
>>>>>>>>Well look at the picture carefully!
>>>>>>>>if your answer is YES then go and see an OPTOMETRIST!!! 
>>>>>>>>What you see is the shoulder of the girl taking the picture!!! 
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