Dan....taubat nasuha tu utk diri kita jugak... Semoga diterima oleh Allah 

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- original message -
Subject: Re: [HSM] Re: Fw: [SMVKK_xstudent] Fw: To All Muslims > Distribute
From: nik shahjaril <shahja...@yahoo.com>
Date: 11/12/2009 10:49 AM

mazhab apa pun...
bebalik la pada quran dan sunnah rasul...
benda yg bidaah tinggal...
--- On Tue, 8/12/09, Mohamed Fauzi Bin Hassan (Staff) <mdfa...@oum.edu.my> 

From: Mohamed Fauzi Bin Hassan (Staff) <mdfa...@oum.edu.my>
Subject: [HSM] Re: Fw: [SMVKK_xstudent] Fw: To All Muslims > Distribute
To: hsmuor@googlegroups.com
Date: Tuesday, 8 December, 2009, 11:26 AM

ipin ko tahu dalam sejarah islam saidina ali berperang dengan saidatina 
aishah...di situ terbahagi kepada dua kumpulan..kumpulan yang menyokong 
saidatina aishah dan kumpulan menyokong saidina ali (syiah)...selepas itu 
mereka berdamai kerana kita kena ingat bahawa nabi itu maksum...

kalau kita fikirkan syiah dan shafie macam kita orang melayu ada menyokong umno 
ada menyokong pas...ini boleh mempecahbelahkan kaum kita sendiri....tetapi ko 
kena ingat....syiah amalan dia ko tak terikut punya....dia menyambut hari 
kabala meluka diri sendiri....ko fikir adakah ko sangup nak luka diri ko 
sendiri....baik ko bertaubat nasuha...itu amalan yang mulia disisi allah..

kalau kau dah pergi mekah, ko lihat orang syiah..orang iadia..bergayut di kain 
kaabah....mengais gila2..meraung2...dekat situlan amalan shafie nampak 
tertip...ko tak jawap soalan aku lagi ipin...

2009/12/8 Ariffin Ahmad <joe...@gmail.com>

saidina ali r.a adalah orang yg paling hampir dengan rasullullah.
orang yg sanggup amik tempat baginda time orang mekah nak bunuh rasullullah.
sepupu dan menantu rasullullah.
sedikit sebanyak, amalan mazhab syiah adakah berasaskan amalan syaidina ali.

dari sebab itu, kita tak boleh cakap amalan diaorang salah and cuma kita yg 

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Bujairomi, Khairani 
<khairani.bujair...@sciex.com> wrote:

Solat, puasa, zakat dan ibadah2 lain kena
ikut cara Rasullullah ……..Kalau x ikut amalan x diterima Allah……


From: hsmuor@googlegroups.com [mailto:hsm...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 

Sent: 2009/12/08 11:05 AM

To: hsmuor@googlegroups.com

Subject: [HSM] Re: Fw:
[SMVKK_xstudent] Fw: To All Muslims > Distribute


  Dan di Iran,kalau ko dengar orang azan akan ditambah
  sedikit untuk Saidina Ali....

  Bila semayang,tangan diluruskan tegak ke bawah bukan cam kita peluk tubuh....


  Mazhab mereka Syiah,semayang boleh pakai seluar pendek.......


  Perkara-perkara cam nih,mmg nampak pelik pada kita tapi kita kene ingat
  walaupun berbeza,kita tau mereka juga menuju pada Allah yg Esa.Caranya sahaja


  --- On Tue, 12/8/09, Mohamed Fauzi Bin
  Hassan (Staff) <mdfa...@oum.edu.my>

  From: Mohamed Fauzi Bin Hassan (Staff) <mdfa...@oum.edu.my>

  Subject: [HSM] Re: Fw: [SMVKK_xstudent] Fw: To All Muslims > Distribute

  To: hsmuor@googlegroups.com

  Date: Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 10:52 AM

  Ko ini dulu sekolah agama darjah berapa.....ini budak darjah Khas nak explain
  ko......kita dalam islam memang terbahagi kepada beberapa mazhab. tetapi
  mazhab yang yang paling tertib adalah mazhab Shafi'...iaitu mazhab yang kita
  ikut selama ini...kalau kau nak tahu bila sahabat nabi meninggal dunia, maka
  ulamak mutabar dijadikan ikutan. pada pandangan logik sekiranya kita ingin
  belajar ilmu mestilah ada gurunya....seperti contoh kau dulu belajar
  matematik mesti ko belajar dengan guru kan?
  tak cukup guru di sekolah ko belajar tuisyen pula...kesimpulan di sini kita
  perlu ikut mazhab yang kita jadi panduan tetapi sekiranya ko pergi pakistan
  ko jangan tak ikut imam pula sebab sana tak ader doa qunut..
  2009/12/8 Ariffin Ahmad <joe...@gmail.com>

  takde satu pun ayat
  dalam quran yg wajib kan
  kita ikut specific mazhab....


  On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Bujairomi, Khairani 
  Mazhab Hanafi, Shafi’I dan Hanbali benarkan prempuan jadi imam
  dgn syarat makmum mestilah perempuan sahaja…..Mazhab Maliki tak benarkan
  perempuan jadi imam sama sekali.
  From: hsmuor@googlegroups.com [mailto:hsm...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Ariffin Ahmad

  Sent: 2009/12/07 10:20 AM

  To: hsmuor@googlegroups.com

  Subject: [HSM] Re: Fw:
  [SMVKK_xstudent] Fw: To All Muslims > Distribute
  apa masalahnya
  pompuan nak azan, and azan pakai kasut?...

  and takde masalah pun pompuan jadik imam.

  cuma nya, bodoh la korang kalau kat rumah, bini yg jadik "imam"...
  On Sat, Dec 5,
  2009 at 4:02 PM, Khairil <creep_javaf...@yahoo.com>


    --- On Sat, 12/5/09, zulzaini ahmad <ahmadzulza...@yahoo.com>

    From: zulzaini ahmad <ahmadzulza...@yahoo.com>

    Subject: Fw: [SMVKK_xstudent] Fw: To All Muslims > Distribute

    To: "Abbas Shahid Pakistani" <sriekey1...@yahoo.com>,
    "Anak sukir" <suzalin...@yahoo.com.my>,
    "bob helmy" <paks...@yahoo.com>,
    "Iman Nasuha" <pemburu_hant...@yahoo.com>,
    "Insun Fatima Eima" <edderkopper_ed...@yahoo.co.uk>,
    "Khairil Faizi" <creep_javaf...@yahoo.com>,
    "mang awang" <azman...@yahoo.com>,
    "mohd akbal" <akbalw...@yahoo.com.my>,
    "mohd asharul" <asharul...@gmail.com>,
    "Mohd Khairul Nizam Mohamed Nor" <mk.ni...@gmail.com>, "Mr
    Shamsul Baharin Hasri" <sbha...@yahoo.com>,
    "Muzariah" <muzar...@yahoo.com>,
    "naza door" <doo...@streamyx.com>,
    "Nazarudin Mohd" <naza...@yahoo.com>,
    "Noor Iran Abu Bakar" <noorz...@yahoo.com>,
    "Pouteh Nordin" <whitewizard...@yahoo.com>,
    "SAIFUL JOHOR" <zir...@yahoo.com>,
    "Shahril TL" <mz_mshah...@yahoo.com>,
    "Shuhaimi" <msh...@yahoo.com>,
    "Sugeng facebook" <sugeng.ja...@yahoo.com>,
    "zaidi TL" <zaidi010...@yahoo.com>,
    "Zainal Fikry" <fikry_ena...@yahoo.com>,
    "Razalini" <raza...@streamyx.com>,
    tkan...@yahoo.com.sg, makia...@yahoo.com, feddyarburn_fr...@yahoo.co.uk,
    putra2...@yahoo.com, "Nor
    Azmi" <az...@proton.com>, "Noor
    Azrida" <aazr...@yahoo.com>, helmy_si...@yahoo.com, umiharit...@yahoo.com

    Date: Saturday, December 5, 2009, 3:43 PM
      Home –Based Business – http://www.vemmabuilder.com/621301905
      Website – http://www.myvemma.com/Zulzaini_76


      --- On Sat, 5/12/09, shukri suhadi <ayunin...@yahoo.com>

      From: shukri suhadi <ayunin...@yahoo.com>

      Subject: [SMVKK_xstudent] Fw: To All Muslims > Distribute

      To: "burn seowon" <abubakarothman77.seo...@yahoo.com>,
      "amem akong" <adzmel_mah...@yahoo.com>,
      "bang nizam" <cepul1...@yahoo.co.uk>,
      "Zulkifli Bin Mohd Radzi" <messerz...@yahoo.com>,
      "Muhammad Zainal Abidin" <moh...@streamyx.com>,
      "imam sumarmo" <multialams...@gmail.com>,
      "smvkk" <smvkk_xstud...@yahoogroups.com>

      Cc: "Amir Huzairy" <a...@klcssb.com.my>, "ari
      daha" <ari.ibra...@packet-1.com>,
      "Mohamad Asri Salikin" <asducati...@yahoo.com.my>,
      "Awiyah SIRIM" <awiy...@sirim.my>, "azlan
      seowon" <azlanseo...@yahoo.com>,
      "aizam eshak" <azmb...@yahoo.com>,
      "'yus yus'" <danis...@yahoo.com>,
      "fendi DAUD" <fendy798...@yahoo.com>,
      "Fuziah Binti Md. Zelah" <fuz...@packet-1.com>,
      "Ms. Gee Hassan" <gee.has...@gmail.com>,
      "norsufiah hanim" <hanim204...@yahoo.com>,
      "Ms. Hanisa-YMP" <han...@ymp.com.my>,
      "Harlimi Muhammad" <harlimi.muham...@cimb.com>,
      "hasnul aslah" <hasnul1...@yahoo.com>,
      "hairul yunos" <hi_r...@yahoo.com>,
      "Mohamad Kelami Bin Kedri" <kel...@packet-1.com>,
      "rajis" <khillaf_pro...@yahoo.com>,
      "aman tahir" <man...@yahoo.com>,
      "Mee Meer" <mee.m...@yahoo.com>,
      "Mohd Hairul Nizam Mohamed Sadri" <mohai...@yahoo.com>,
      "umar mohamad" <mohamad_uma...@yahoo.com>,
      "Mat Nasri Bakar" <nasri...@yahoo.com>, "norashikin.nordin"
      "Rafidi Dol @ Abdul Wahid" <rafidi_...@yahoo.com>,
      "ami yamseng" <roza_...@yahoo.com>,
      "Siti SIRIM" <sszal...@sirim.my>, "sinar suria"
      "azie seowon" <syuzila...@yahoo.com>,
      "Tuah Mohamed" <tua...@yahoo.com>,
      "emi yusida" <zemibr...@yahoo.com>

      Date: Saturday, 5 December, 2009, 6:23 AM


        --- On Thu, 12/3/09, azizi_sa...@nwbm.com <azizi_sa...@nwbm.com>

        From: azizi_sa...@nwbm.com <azizi_sa...@nwbm.com>

        Subject: Fw: To All Muslims > Distribute

        To: ayunin...@yahoo.com, zakaria_ba...@nwbm.com, 
        han...@tls.com.my, sa1_n...@tls.com.my

        Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009, 7:28 PM

        Thanks & best regards,



        ----- Forwarded by Azizi Sarif/NWBM on
        12/04/2009 11:17 AM ----- 
          Fauzi Ahmad/NWBM 

          12/04/2009 11:01 AM 
            To All Muslims > Distribute 
                        in America
                        reading Jumma Namaaz in a church.


                        men and women together with Woman as Imam, a lady gave
                        Azaan with shoes and without head cover 

                        New Fitna In Islam


                        Lady above chief organizer. 


                        Lady Imam.




                        Giving Azaan wearing shoes.



                        Leader of the party with links to Benezir party in 
                Dear All Brother-in-Islam, 

                !!!!! Be careful with this book!!!!!! This thing has to be 
spread to the 

                whole world. We must fight this nasty which was created by 

                * DO NOT let them to convert many more MUSLIM to CHRISTIANITY ,

                * DO NOT JUST KEEP this mail in your mailbox. FORWARD TO ALL
                OUR MUSLIMS.. 

                The things they do to lead Muslims astray is unbelievable.. May

                protect us all. Let all your relatives/friends know that this

                do exist and a copy of it was already sent to MUIS for action. 





                READ THIS AND SPREAD IT PLEASE.....!!! 









                Above: 'The True Furqan' 


                You Cant Ignore this or send it to as many muslims as u can. 


                The new AMERICAN Quran: a dangerous trick. 

                A new Quran is being distributed in Kuwait , titled 'The True 

                It is being described as the ayats of the Shaytan and Al-Furqan

                magazine has found out that the two American printing 

                'Omega 2001' and 'Wine Press' are involved in the publishing of
                'The True Furqan', 

                a book which has also been titled 'The 21st Century Quran'! 

                It has over 366 pages and is in both the Arabic and English
                languages....it is being 

                distributed to our children in Kuwait in the
                private English schools! The book contains 77 Surats, 

                which include Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Instead of
                Bismillah, each Surat
                begins with a 

                longer vesion of this incorporating the Christian belief of the
                three spirits.. 


                And this so called Quran opposes many Islamic beliefs. in one
                of its ayats it describes 

                having more than one wife as fornication, divorce being
                non-permissible and it uses 

                a new system for the sharing out of the will, opposing the
                current one. It states that 

                Jihad is HARAAM. 


                This book even goes as far as attacking Allah, Subhanahu wa 


                All this is poisoning our children at approx. price of US $3. 

        //All information contained in this transmission is intended only for
        the person to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or 
        material.If you have receive this by mistake please delete this mail
        and contact the sender:From NWB (M) Administrator//
    New Email addresses available on Yahoo! 

    Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.

    Hurry before someone else does!
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Salam Sejahtera 
YBhg Tan Sri, Dato', Prof, Dr / Tuan / Puan,

fulfilling aspirations

Mohamed Fauzi Bin Hassan 
Marketing Services Unit,

Open University Malaysia 


          **************** HIGH SKOOL MUAR *****************
 Korang semua telah menerima pesanan ini kerana korang semua telah melanggan di 
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 Untuk keterangan lanjut,lawat la website group hampehh nihh!!.....hahahaha!!


      Get your new Email address!
Grab the Email name you've always wanted before someone else does!

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Korang semua telah menerima pesanan ini kerana korang semua telah melanggan di 
dalam Google Group "HSM(class of '91 -'95)
Kalau tgh bosan, hantar lah email ke hsm...@googlegroups.com.
Kalau takmo melanggan lagi email ke hsmuor+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.

Untuk keterangan lanjut,lawat la website group hampehh nihh!!.....hahahaha!!



**************** HIGH SKOOL MUAR *****************

Korang semua telah menerima pesanan ini kerana korang semua telah melanggan di 
dalam Google Group "HSM(class of '91 -'95)
Kalau tgh bosan, hantar lah email ke hsm...@googlegroups.com.
Kalau takmo melanggan lagi email ke hsmuor+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.

Untuk keterangan lanjut,lawat la website group hampehh nihh!!.....hahahaha!!



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