According to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>  I've installed HTDig on several systems around here without problem until
> recently. These other installations are for the same documentation. We have
> one machine on which HTDig will not install properly. Below are the errors I
> am receiving:
>       samiam:~/CIA/docs/htdig/bin >rundig
>       htmerge: Unable to open word list file
> '/disk1/home/ddts/CIA/docs/htdig/db/db.wordlist'
>       samiam:~/CIA/docs/htdig/bin >htdig -vvv -s
>       Warning: unknown locale!
>               1:0:
>       New server:, 80
>        pushed
>       pick:, # servers = 1
>       htdig: Run complete
>       htdig: 1 server seen:
>       htdig: 0 documents
>  I read through the archives but nothing matches what our problem may be.
> This address is available via the WWW. If I use an alternate web address it
> works fine. It is a local installation of Apache 1.3.6 with no robots.
>  Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've tried htdig out on your site, and the DNS lookup on it fails.  It
seems that has MX records, but no A or CNAME records,
so I can't open a connection to it.  I suspect that's the problem you're
having too.  Oddly, htdig deals with this error quite silently, even
with several -v flags.  I'll add a couple message to htdig/,
for when assign_server() fails.

Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:
Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Phone:  (204)789-3766
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)   Fax:    (204)789-3930
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