I'm setting up htdig for use on the oberlin college web site and I have a
few questions:

first, according to htsearch documentation, if you put a config value on
the form that is submitted to htsearch, i.e. 

config: <select name=config>
<option value=news> news

it should use the CONFIG_DIR/news.conf file, correct?

when i run this, i get this error:

unable to read configuration file '/usr/local/htdig/conf/news htdig.conf'

what am i doing wrong?  :)

second question: is there anyway to get htdig to search a filesystem,
instead of searching from a url(as in, search all files in a directory
instead of following all links from a page or two)?

I'm trying to set up a search of user's web directories but I have no
compilation of all 1500 of our user direcories.

Seth Lepzelter

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