Sorry for the repost, but I haven't see my post on the list...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:10:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Aaron Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Geoff Hutchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [htdig] more powerful restrict

Thanks Geoff.  We'll add me to the list of 'very interested people in
backporting the regexp' to the 3.1.x series.

On a simular note, I'm having a major delima.  Basically I have a SQL DB
with content that is accessed via PHP.  Each "article" in the DB has a URL


where x, a, b, c, d are postive integers.  Basically the id is a unique
identifier for the article, and loc is the location in the 'tree'.  Each
article can be in 1 or more places in the tree.  So:


point to the same content (actually the headers of the page change a
little, but that's not important), but in different places.  Just like a
link in the Unix filesystem works.

We're using restrict to enable 'drill down' in searching.  So you can
drill down the tree to 1.3 and run a search.  Hence if you drill down to
1.3.4 you'll get one hit, but if you only go to 1.3 you'll get two hits.

Since I'm already wrapping htsearch in a mod_perl front end, I figured I'd
just let mod_perl strip out the duplicates.  Problem is that while this is
easy to do, there's no way to properly set the total # of hits for a
search if the results span more than one page.  Also there's no way for
the user to say matchesperpage=25 and be guaranteed 25 hits per page
since many of the hits may be duplicates.  The result is that the user
sees something like:

Search results 1 - 25 of 54

But only sees 13 results on the page, and thinks something broke and keeps
reloading the page over and over again.

I'm at a lost of a good way to fix this.  Any ideas are greatly


On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, Geoff Hutchison wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Aaron Turner wrote:
> > Where you mention a regexp powered restrict for htsearch and that it was
> > "almost finished".  I was wondering if you had any idea about when that
> > feature would be released.  I'm hoping to avoid a really ugly hack of
> > using a htsearch parser to create this functionality.
> It is finished in the 3.2 development tree. I'm not sure how much I want
> to backport it, but if there's significant interest, I'll do so.
> -Geoff Hutchison

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