
  another day another question ;))) 

  I made a complete new Database for our Webserver.
  All Files which are important to me had been seen
  by the engine (well not only once, but thats 
  another problem ;) )

  But if i try to do a search i only get the Files from
  one Server part for example only the data from

  but everything from the tree 
  /subtree/y doesn't get referenced in the search 
  result !

  I don't know why, cause htdig -v reportet, that 
  the files unter /subtree/y got indexed by htDig ...

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

  Michael R. Reutlinger

      ! arago,                          Michael R. Reutlinger !
      ! Institut fuer komplexes         Project Management    !
      ! Datenmanagement GmbH            eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]!
      ! Fichtestr. 12                                         !
      ! 60316 Frankfurt am Main         http://www.arago.de   !
      ! Tel: +49-69-40568-0             Fax: +49-69-40568-111 !

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