&method=post looks fishy, normally method = and, or, or boolean.

here's one example that works for me:

use CGI;

$c = new CGI ;
$words = "narwhal+whale";

Good luck,


On Sat, 3 Jul 1999, Jeff Beard wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to use a drop down menu to differentiate a keyword search of the
> website from a product database. But when I use an intermediate program,
> the website search is only done on the first keyword. Multiple keywords
> show up in the URL but don't seem to be passed to htsearch.
> Could someone explain how I can make sure that all keywords are passed and
> used, please? 
> If you are familiar with Perl, I'm using CGI.pm and using a redirect with
> the pertinent information:
> $query->redirect("/bin/htsearch?words=$words&method=post&config=htdig&format
> =long");
> Also, I prefer not to use system() or exec() (using taint checking) and I'm
> not using standard CGI rather mod_perl.
> I've tried substituting a "+" for any spaces in the keywords but it does
> the same thing. Only a simple form calling htsearch directly gives the
> expected result.
> Thanks for your time.
> Cheers,
> Jeff 
> Jeff Beard
> _____________________________
> McGuckin Hardware
> 303.443.1832 x2646
> www.mcguckin.com
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