According to Cobb, Brian:
> Here is the output after loading htdig into gdb and running it:
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation Fault
> 0x4002e1d1 in ifstream::~ifstream()
> Current language: auto, currently c
> Here is the backtrace info:
> #0 0x4002e1d1 in ifstream::~ifstream()
> #1 0x8059eff in Configuration::Read (this=0x80a7510, 
> filename=0x80aa078 "/home/bkcobb/htdig/conf/htdig.conf")
> at
> #2 0x8053779 in main (ac=1, av=0xbffffdb4) at

It's dying in a deconstructor in the standard C++ library, so unless
htdig is seriously stomping on memory somewhere (unlikely if all it's
done is read the config file), this seems to point to a problem in the
library, or kernel, or an incompatibility between them.

If you didn't upgrade your C++ and/or C libraries when ungrading your
kernel, it may be that some kernel bug or incompatibility was introduced.
Check to see if a library update is available, and relink with it.
If you're already running a newer library, it may be a bug was introduced
there.  Are your runtime and development libraries the same versions?

> I am logged on at the console as root when I run the gdb session in the
> /home/bkcobb/htdig/bin directory.
> I've tried using the htdig.conf "out of the box" as well as the one I had
> customized 
> when I had a working installation.
> I upgraded the Linux kernel to 2.2.6 from 2.0.34 since my last successful
> htdig upgrade if that helps.  Someone had mentioned library or other source
> file dependencies.  Is there a FAQ on this somewhere?

Not much hope of this being in the FAQ.  It's the first time I've seen
such a problem.  Good luck getting to the bottom of it.

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       Geoff Hutchison [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       Friday, July 02, 1999 8:47 PM
> > Subject:    Re: [htdig] RE: HTDIG seg faults and dumps core on RH Linux
> > Kernel
> > 
> > 
> > On Fri, 2 Jul 1999, Cobb, Brian wrote:
> > 
> > > Just for grins I re-downloaded ver 3.1.1.  I get the same behavior now
> > with
> > > it after a sucessful compile.  Anybody else experienced something
> > similar?  
> > 
> > This sounds like some includes or libraries changed. You should also take
> > a look at what compiler you're using.
> > 
> > Finally, with a segfault, it's greatly appreciated to get some
> > information from the core file. If you have gdb, it would be great to get
> > some information from the core like a stack backtrace.
> > 
> > -Geoff Hutchison
> > Williams Students Online
> >
> > 
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Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:
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